
New year, new website!

1024 683 Silvia Coluccelli

Here we are…new year, new website!

I’m really thrilled about it. I’ve been planning this restyle for ages. Just when I was feeling that I needed something new and fresh Giovanni came along and helped me out. He’s been great! Giovanni and I go back a long time and know each other well, that’s why everything went so smoothly. He delivered exactly what I had in mind.

He worked on every single aspect of the website: technical details, style, look, concept and logo. Have you noticed that?

Among other things we’ve decided that my blog will be merged with this website. Time to say goodbye to good old blogspot then. From now on everything that crosses my mind is going to be published here. Well, maybe not really everything. There will be both posts in Italian and in English, just to make everyone happy.

I don’t want to lose my old blog content though, therefore I’ll try to move it all here. It’ll take years, maybe centuries. But I’ll make it!

See you all here then!