Through a mirror

150 150 Silvia Coluccelli

I’ve always been fond of mirrors. They have powers: they can create a new world – reversing left and right – a new space, even a non-place where who’s in front of the mirror is not at. Mirrors can show a place that seems real but actually isn’t. They can create a parallel reality, silent…

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Exhilarating moments that won’t be forgotten

150 150 Silvia Coluccelli

Sometimes a photo can be so meaningful that leaving it sitting at the bottom a desk drawer is a real pity. Let’s take a step back in time. While I was choosing the Brums collection photos that I would post on my website I came across a few shots that I had completely forgotten about.…

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Interview with “professor” Silvia

150 150 Silvia Coluccelli

The new Baby Fashion issue is out. Every month this magazine publishes an interview with a Kids Fashion Photographer. This month it’s been my turn. You can find the interview here. Please take a seat and read it because, unlike the usual, I think I even said a few serious things! In case you didn’t…

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1024 683 Silvia Coluccelli

A few days ago the “Spazzatura kilometrica in cortocircuito” (Short-circuited endless garbage dumps) exhibition was officially inaugurated. That was before Easter, the Colomba cakes and the food and wine marathon I did run in Padova. No wonder I wrote about the event more than ten days after it was actually held! You can find attached one…

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Goodbye Cambodia

1024 683 Silvia Coluccelli

Every time, at the beginning of a new year, besides wondering what the new year has in store for me, I also like to take stock of the one that has just ended. A few months went by on the sly, and I can’t remember much of them. Others are still very fresh in my…

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